Leigh Martinuzzi

1082 Karen Pudetti - Rags to Riches



Rags to Riches Karen has followed her passion and set up a multi-million dollar beauty business. In this episode, I speak with Karen about her journey. She shares advice not only in getting started but also tips and tricks once you're up and running your business. Enjoy! Grab a copy of Karen's book here - Rags to Riches: How Beauty Icons Made it Big Guest Bio. Karen Pudetti came straight out of college into a highly successful accounting career in corporate including working for several Fortune 500 companies. But it just didn’t light her up, so she decided to venture out on her own. She knew at 19, she wanted to be her own boss and work in the beauty industry. So, Karen went back to school and received her electrolysis certification, her wax and esthetic licenses. But Karen made a few mistakes along the way and has watched others struggle. Her firm commitment to help others who dream of a life as a successful entrepreneur—either in the beauty industry or any other retail service business—moved her to writ