Book Hype

Book Hype Episode #141: Abs Are Nice



Book Hype hosts Karen and Kristen are live at Indy PopCon 2017. We speak with authors Lauren Jankowski and J.S. Lenore. You can find Book Hype on Twitter at @BookHype. Check us out on Facebook! What we’re reading: –The Refrigerator Monologues by Catherynne M. Valente –Trust by Kylie Scott –Unfinished Tales by J.R.R. Tolkien –The Sea-Stone Sword by Joel Cornah –Fourth World by Lyssa Chiavari –Empty Cradle: The Untimely Death of Corey Sanderson by Emmy Jackson –A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas Book Bites: -We have a two-fer this week! -Question 1: At what point during the day do you typically read? -Question 2: What makes a good book recommendation? Talking with Lauren Jankowski: -She wrote the Shapeshifter Chronicles! -We get the elevator pitch and it sounds damn good. -Myth nerds unite. -Lauren’s books are getting republished! -You can check out Snowy Wings Publishing and Asexual Artists. -Find out more about Lauren’s new covers here! -Lauren also talks about asexual representation both in an