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EP110: How Pet Snacks Used Facebook Ads to Sell $1,003,206.82 of Ecommerce Products on Shopify



Do you know what resonates with your audience? Join the experts as special guest James Buhagiar of Pet Snacks details the 5-step strategy he used to gain insight into his customer avatar, how he got started advertising on Facebook, and how he used Facebook ads and video to build momentum for his advertising campaigns and his business. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: How you can use Facebook to do market research to both see what resonates with your audience and get a better understanding of your customer avatar (« And it’s as affordable as $1/day). How you can use your origin story to effectively reach your audience. Why not offering discounts on the front end increased sales by 30% for Pet Snacks, and how you can apply this method in your business. Thanks so much for joining us this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!