Christ Church Bartlett

Deciding How to Decide



Deciding How to Decide James 1:5-7 Feelings, Faith or Circumstances I. Choices and decisions ought to be made by following God ordained priorities. 1. Put God first in your life Matthew 22:37 How to Know God’s Will for Your Life a. Study the Bible Psalms 119:66 b. Pray James 1:5-7 c. Seek Godly Counsel Proverbs 15:22 d. Follow the Holy Spirit’s Leading John 16:13 e. Circumstances Proverbs 16:1 2. Put your family second Ephesians 5:25, 28 3. Your job is third 1 Timothy 5:8 4. Your church comes 4th Galatians 6:10 Hebrews 10:25 5. Then recreation Proverbs 17:22