

As everybody knows, the iOS 14 update that requires permission to track users’ activity rocked the Facebook Ads world. What if there was a way to make things all better again?   In today’s episode, host Kasim Aslam shares his brilliant solution/hack to the Facebook Ads iOS nightmare. If you’re someone who lost a whole lot of money on your Facebook Ads campaign and you’re freaking out about what to do next, Kasim has some calm reassurance to offer. He takes some really complicated concepts, breaks them down in simple terms, and lays out a step-by-step plan anyone can implement.    Listen in—and you’ll probably have to listen at least twice to get it all—for a great hack that will get your advertising game back on track.   IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: Why everyone’s Facebook Ads campaigns died after the iOS 14 update The big problem with Facebook’s Conversions API Why you need Zapier and Hotjar (and everything you need to know about them)  How to get the exact data iOS 14 is trying to stop you from getting