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Episode 361: Congress's Attempt to Shut Down Digital Advertising and Kasim's Plea for Liberty and Small Businesses



A new bill was introduced this week that could literally take away your ability to be seen by your target audience. In today’s episode, host Kasim Aslam shares his thoughts on the Verge article that came out this week: “Democrats Unveil Bill to Ban Online ‘Surveillance Advertising.’” Kasim, who is anti-partisan, is forced to get “mildly political” as he responds to this unsettling news. The bill would ban all use of digital advertising targeting ads to users. Kasim doesn’t want to be dramatic, but this is a dramatic bill, he says. If passed, it could effectively be the end of digital marketing as we know it. If they take away your ability to be seen by a relevant audience, “your message will be lost. You’ll be de-platformed. You’ll be a needle in a stack of needles.” Listen in to hear Kasim’s thoughtful hot take and what he thinks is actually the solution to all of our trafficking problems. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:What kind of targeting the bill does “allow” and why that’s not a