Real Food Mamas Podcast

#299: Every Mom Is an Athletic Mom with Liz Wolfe, NTP



Steph interviews Liz Wolfe, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, best-selling author, and co-founder of the Athletic Mom Program. Athletic Mom helps moms (and ANYONE who needs the most efficient and impactful workouts possible) to own their inner athlete and feel better in their body. Liz and Steph talk about challenges and opportunities in motherhood including disconnecting from social media, avoiding the comparison trap, prioritizing protein, and mindful movement as we age. If you’re interested in finding a way to make healthy eating and movement stick, without buying into the toxic “fitness/wellness” culture, you won’t want to miss this. Topics Discussed: Taking time away from social media Losing yourself after having kids Why all moms are athletes Mobility in mid- to late-30s Prioritizing protein as a mom How to build an effective home workout Show Notes: Visit the Athletic Mom Program! DOCTORMOM20 for 20% off the year month membership (2 months free)! Follow @realfoodliz on Instagr