Julias Trucking Cafe

111. NYPD Officer Gets Run Over And Pinned Beneath Semi While Directing Traffic



In this episode I discuss how a New York Police Officer gets run over and pinned beneath a semi truck while he is trying to direct traffic on a busy New York City street. I also discuss other stories that have made the news in the trucking industry. If you enjoy my show and would like to become a patron/sponsor you can do so by clicking here: https://www.patreon.com/juliastruckingcafe Also I have also recently built a new  private server that have all of my video versions of the podcast on them. For a yearly fee of only $27 you will get unlimited access to all of my videos: Trucking News Hour, Cooking Videos and Special Report Interviews that can only be seen on this site. To start your membership click here: http://juliastruckingcafe.tv/register/ You will also be enrolled in my private Discord Chat Area - a member only area. Twitter: @JuliasTrcknCafe YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JuliasTruckingCafeTruckingNewsHour YouTube How To Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTWybXUk7aZAJAiII3T