An Irishman Abroad

Penn Relays 2023 & Runners’ Diet Made Simple By Sonia O’Sullivan - Irishman Running Abroad



Sonia is back in Portland after a brief stop at a relay carnival like no other - The Penn Relays. We get some of the sights and sounds of the big event including Villanova's dramatic win in the men's mile relay and Marcus O'Sullivan's emotional post race interview. "The memories that are made last forever and they are magic" but at some point you have to come back to earth and get out to train again.   That's the position many people find themselves in after a marathon. What better time to look the most basic part of how you run? The petrol you put in your engine is a simple way of looking at it but when it comes to food the choice is not as simple as petrol or diesel. In a world of experts everyone is an idiot. Sonia has a way of peeling back the nonsense and stripping away the silly stuff that might get in the way of your ability to make good choices at the fridge.   Together we sift through some of the harder questions on this subject and some of the guiding principles she has espoused in her Irish Times a