

Salmon are amazing. Every year they turn around to swim upstream agaisnt very powerful currents that are resisting them. They return to the place they were born so they can spawn, a new generation of salmon are born. Their survial is based upon their ability to swim against the vicious currents. In much the same way, our metaphorical survival to be the men of God that we're called to be will be predicated upon our ability to swim against the persistant, and powerful, and vicious currents of temptation that are resisting against us. In this episode Tony identities the confluecne of 3 different powerful forces that work together to create the complulsion in us that makes us want to act out in sin.  (1) The power of habit, or the old "groove" of sin we've allowed to be established in us. (2) Brain science, or the way we've trained our brains to crave the feel good chemicals that compel us to act out. (3) The law of sin, or the natural proclivity we have as fallen and sinful people to delight in doing the very th