Ctrl Alt Wow - World Of Warcraft Podcast

Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 24 - Getting a Good Rep



Grinding Rep and Helping alts and silly transfers. Closing tag contest extended 1 more week. Silly things I did this week Transfer an alt from one account to another just to see if the Netherwelp from the Collector's Edition would transfer.  It did Log into my toons on the Baelgun server and take everything of value from most characters and put everything on Sherrinna the Level 14 Priest so I can transfer her to ER.  Great things I did this week Make it to Winterspring on my level 56 Hunter Auntrillia Grinding Rep is time consuming. To explain Grinding Rep - Some quests require you to "make nice" with a certain group.  For instance I needed to get to Winterspring.  The only way to get to Winterspring is through a tunnel that is full of Timbermaw Furbolgs but if I kill of a bunch of their enemies, Deadwood and Winterfall Furbolgs they will like me and eventually I can at least run through their tunnels without them killing me.  But there's another quest I need to actually be able to talk to these