Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

TDP 872: Paternoster Heratage One from @BigFinish



This title was released in June 2019. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until August 31st 2019, and on general sale after this date. Victorian London harbours many secrets: alien visitors, strange phenomena and unearthly powers. But a trio of investigators stands ready to delve into such mysteries – the Great Detective, Madame Vastra, her resourceful spouse, Jenny Flint, and their loyal valet, Strax. If an impossible puzzle needs solving, or a grave injustice needs righting, help can be found on Paternoster Row. But even heroes can never escape their past… 1.1 The Cars That Ate London! by Jonathan Morris The advent of electric carriages on London’s streets causes a stir – until they start careening out of control. Elsewhere, factory workers lose their senses, while a brand-new power plant suffers mysterious outages. Genius industrialist Fabian Solak has a vision of the future – free from pollution, running on clean electricity. But Madame Vastra knows such ideas are ahead of