

The bible says in Proverbs 25:28 that a man who has no self-control is like a city with no walls. That's not a good thing! In the days of the bible is was very important to have a wall around your city because the wall is what protected you from the bad guys. If you didn't have a wall around your city you would be subject to attack at any time and you couldn't protect yourself effetively. In much the same way, if we're ever going to be the man God is calling us to be, and if we're ever going to be the man of purity that God is calling us to be, we're going to need the ability to protect ourselves in many different ways. You need the ability to catch yourself at the moment of temptation. You need to mentor yourself. You need to tell yourself the truth. You need to put a choke chain on yourself. You need to recognize and renounce the lie. You need to not let yourself get away with bad behavior. You need to hold yourself accountable to yourself. You need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. You need to work on