Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep389 Performance Anxiety



Performance anxiety comes from you thinking ahead to the unknown outcome of your future performance. Doesn't matter whether you are playing in the Masters or doing a presentation in front of your colleagues. That pit in your stomach means that the outcome matters to you. You can't control the future, all you can do is prepare for potential obstacles that may come up and then switch your mindset for success. The coming week I have a ton of events that will require 100% of my abilities as a coach, performer, comedian, leader and mentor. In this episode, I want to share how I prepare for these events and you can glean some lessons that will help you when you put yourself in similar situations. Get your copy of my new book DreamBIG OverDeliver BeUndeniable here: @ForWellness is your new secret weapon to make you feel good, enjoy life and perform at your best every day! Get yours for 25% off with "GLASS25" Thank you to our spon