Radical With David Platt

When Jesus Calls Your Name



If you’ve ever had your hopes dashed, lost your joy, or experienced deep grief, then it may be that you need to hear the voice of Jesus calling you like he called to Mary on that first Easter morning. Today we hear his voice in the words of Scripture, and through the gospel he offers us the very same peace that he offered to his followers while he was on earth. In this message from John 20, David Platt urges us to respond to Jesus now, while God has given us an opportunity. His claim to have risen from the dead has been believed by even the most resistant skeptics. How will you respond to the risen Christ?________I want to personally invite you to this year’s Secret Church. We are going to dive word-for-word into the book of Jonah, and as I’ve been studying this book, I cannot wait to explore it with you! Most people just know it’s a story about a fish swallowing a man, but it is so much more than that, and it contains shocking relevance to our lives and the world around us today.Learn more about Secret