Bbc Introducing In Oxford

PODCAST: The Bobo + Stornoway



This week on the BBC Introducing in Oxfordshire podcast, Dave catches up with The Bobo to hear about her new single 'Wish I Knew', plus hear his interview with Stornoway at Warehouse studios in Kennington as they release their first album in 8 years, and there's all the latest new music from Oxfordshire. Here's this week's playlist: • The White Lakes - Complicated South Arcade - Danger Sophie Leigh - Deja Vu Genevieve Miles - Ocean The Bobo - Wish I Knew Stornoway - Trouble With the Green Amber Roshni - Sleepless Nights TALKSTOOMUCH - Exhausted Options David Bergen - Maria Elisa • If you're making music in Oxfordshire, send us your tunes with the BBC Introducing Uploader: