Get Your Result With Dave Crenshaw: Productivity And Leadership

The Friendly and Ethical Negotiator, Kwame Christian - The Dave Crenshaw Success Project



Listen in as Kwame describes how his desire to learn, blended with his innate curiosity, led to a unique set of skills. He opens up about why he credits his failures for his current success. You’ll learn how he took a deeply ingrained fear and transformed it into an unexpected strength that propelled him down a surprising career path. He also shares how being a father has forced him to become more efficient. At his core, Kwame believes in pushing past your fears and taking action without worrying about achieving perfection. He chooses to level up every day and teaches you to do the same. Action Principles Pick one to do this week: Knowing yourself. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing right now a fit for who I am?” If not, push past your fear of the unknown and follow your curiosity.  One action you could take: If the answer is no, choose one action that moves you closer to doing work that fits who you are as a person.Level up. Even when the future is unclear, you can always improve the fundamentals. Ask yourself