Pure Sex Radio

Health and Integrity in Leadership



Many Christian leaders struggle silently with various sexual temptations and sin. And too many never get the help they need to heal and grow in their personal sexual integrity. Today our guest is Jorge Suarez, co-founder of CCI Counseling, a counseling ministry that provides therapy to couples as they overcome infidelity, sexual addiction, a lack of intimacy, betrayal trauma, and intimacy disorders. Jorge especially has a heart for leaders and helping them live out their God-given purpose. In our conversation, we talk about the four key areas where leaders (and anyone, really) need health in order to thrive: EmotionalSpiritualRelationalSexual If you are a leader or want to help Christian leaders in your life, this conversation will inspire and encourage you toward greater health and wholeness. To connect with Jorge for further help, visit CCICounseling.com.More Resources:Broken Vessels: Restoring Broken Pastors for Kingdom UseGateway to Freedom 3-Day IntensiveThe Christian Response to Moral Failure in the Chu