Underground Usa

The Transition of Spuds MacKenzie



Before we get into this morning’s segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I wanted to double down on one of the points we made in the first story.I am on record, many times, as saying I don't care about your sexuality. I don't care if you're gay. I don't care if you're trans. I don't care. Whatever you want to pursue to make yourself happy in that sphere have at it. Be fulfilled. Be who you are. I celebrate that. I want you to be happy.But I don't care for the aggressive activism that sees trans protesters punching women who've been directly affected by that movement in the face; physically assaulting them. I'm talking about Riley Gaines in San Francisco. That's a step too far.It's one thing to say, “Hey, accept me for who I am. Please recognize this.” It's absolutely another thing to say, “You have to not only accept me but you have to celebrate it every second of your life and be included in everything you do every second of the day.That's bullshit. You're right to “throw a punch” ends where my nose begins.