Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Eliminating Excuses, Limiting Beliefs, and Negative Self-Talk with Kelly Moser



Do you ever set goals for yourself only to find them unreachable? Or do you find reasons WHY they are unreachable? Here are some examples: “I’d like to lose 20 pounds, but I’m caring for my parents and can’t focus on my diet and exercise program.” “I want to start my own healing business, but I am working full-time at my job, and I don’t have time to do it.” “I would like more clients for my business, but I hate social media and am not good at networking.” Sound familiar?  The word in common is the word “BUT.” We have good intentions - we do - and we negate them with excuses by saying this word. It is a conditioned habit, so you aren’t alone in saying this word. During this episode, I interview #1 international bestselling co-author Kelly Moser, who shares amazing (and humorous) insights on how we can break through our barriers to creating the life we desire when we #moveourBUT. During this podcast, you’ll learn: How BUT (belief, understand, take) can be a tool for transformationHow every obstacle can