Union Chapel Ministries

Easter at Union Chapel



I Corinthians 15:3-8There were many eyewitnesses at Jesus’ death.There was no doubt Jesus was dead (John 19:38-42).Chief priests met with Pilate to demand a guard on the tomb.Female relatives and followers of Jesus were convinced He was dead. (John 19:39).Saints were raised from the dead to physical life (Matthew 27:51-53). After an earthquake, an angel descended.Angels spoke to the women. The disciples did not believe the women. Peter and John ran to the tomb. The resurrected Christ appeared first to Mary Magdalene (Acts 1:8, 21-22; Luke 24:48).The disciples did not believe Mary.The guards were bribed. Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. The Emmaus disciples spoke to “the eleven,”  Jesus appeared, and they touched Him. After eight days, Jesus appeared again.The disciples traveled to Galilee. Christ catches fishermen’s attention. More than 500 brethren saw Christ in Galilee (1 Corinthians 15:6).Disbelieving James and Jude. (John 7:3-5). Additional disciples saw Christ. The apostles returned