Dave, The Caregiver's Caregiver

Acapulco Training, Mastermind & Wellness Retreat & Vacation



I’m Caregiver Dave Nassaney. I have a unique opportunity to bring 14 burned out caregivers to a magnificent high-end training, mastermind and wellness retreat & vacation in the billionaire gated community of Acapulco Mexico. It consists of a one-on-one personal coaching session, followed by 6 zoom coaching training and mastermind calls with other caregivers to brainstorm with. Then we top it off with a free bonus 7 day & night Wellness retreat & vacation in a beautiful Acapulco villa, all food & drinks by our on-site gourmet chef, preparing delicious gluten-free-sugar free cuisine are included. Burned out? Need a vacation? For more information, go to CaregiverDave.com and click Acapulco Getaway.