Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

The Schindler Approach to Rescuing Children – Ben Kraft



Oskar Schindler was Nazi businessman who used the “system” to have Jews brought as workers to his factories. This however was not a business deal, but instead a humanitarian effort to save those 1200 Jewish individuals from the Nazi death camps were they were headed. As much as we despise giving money to powerful tech corporations that hate what we stand for, they will indeed take our money. We use this to our advantage to advertise to as many young pregnant women as possible, with the intention of turning them away from abortion clinics. Benjamin Kraft specializes in this area as the founder and CEO of Life Advancement Group. His primary focus is assisting pregnancy centers to enhance their online visibility, making sure they appear at the top of Google search results and become the initial option a pregnant woman clicks when searching for information related to abortion. Young entrepreneurs like Ben are what it will take to change the tide of this war. His efforts have already brought over 30,000 women into