Unearth By Sandra

17. Busting 5 Myths... Soy Causes Man Boobs



In today’s episode I debunked 5 common myths about the vegan and plant-based lifestyle. 1) People need to drink cow’s milk to have strong bones 2) It’s too expensive 3) Soy is bad for you, it will cause cancer, and you will grow man boobs 4) If we stop eating animals, they will overpopulate the world 5) Eating vegan equals being healthy Instagram: itsandralongsword Let me know what you want to hear for future episodes by filling out this short listener Feedback form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScPHmJyilI1m1DSMiucCOOz4-_5S8bvYZqLBdejQSZeyCQj6g/viewform