Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

KWR0033 - Darkened Pulpits; The History and Hirelings of Social Justice.



KWR0033 - Darkened Pulpits; The History and Hirelings of Social Justice. Kingdom War Room   The Bible warns that the last days will be a time of great apostasy. What lie is so mesmerizing that it misleads multitudes of professing believers into the maw of evil? The answer is before us today, not being a single deception but a convergence of false teachings bannered under the label of “Social Justice”. Social justice merges morally depraved liberalism with atheistic Marxism; assuring us that we can be a “follower” of Jesus while simultaneously indulging the ideologies of God haters like Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Sigmund Freud. To fully grasp the malignancy of the social justice infection within the Body of Christ, a factual exploration of its origins, goals, and the motivations of those who’ve brought social justice from inception to growing acceptance has been undertaken in “Darkened Pulpits; The History and Hirelings of Social Justice.” The seemingly unrelated dots have been identified, researche