Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Times Change



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 710 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Often, it has been said that times change and with the changes of time, people should change. My opinion on this is, that times change but values don’t. Such as the value of gratefulness. Grateful for everything that happens in your life. That should never change, and if anything, it should become stronger. Or the value to pray daily, that doesn’t change either. The value of knowing who you are, what you do, and the things that you’re capable of doing. Of setting standards of integrity, trust, and honesty. The concept of knowing your strengths and weaknesses while believing in yourself. Acquiring of a mentor, being honorable, living with happiness. Overcoming anxiety, controlling your anger, and understanding the difference between pride and arrogance. These values don’t change. It is true that times change. During the passage of time, many, many new things happen, but not the values of being patient, committed, motivated, and bein