Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Time Control



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 726 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I was asked a question, “How do you control your life? How do you discipline yourself? What do you do to dominate the day? How do you manage and rule everything that you do?” When you take control of your life, the first place to start is with time. Wherever you place your hours of the day, this is where your time control starts. But, you cannot control time until you first control yourself. Life is like a coin; you can spend it any way you wish. But you can only spend it once. So, you have to ask yourself: Where have you placed your heart? Where have you placed your mind and your soul? What is important to you? What was the reason why you entered this world? If you can answer these questions then you’ll be able to control yourself, and you will know that you have to do much better than you did yesterday. When is your time for studying, for prayer? Do you reserve time for your family? Do you have time to help the world?