Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Seeking the Truth



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 752 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Some people are seeking the truth about everything in the world. They want to know everything before they can accomplish anything. "I want to know my purpose in life. I want to know what is the reason for the world to be what it is. I want to know why I'm here and what is my mission. I want to know this and I want to know that." They want to know everything. Until they find out, until they're truly in a place where they understand, they refuse to act, accomplish, grow, or become productive. They refuse to. That's quite interesting. This is an endeavor that will be take forever to accomplish, think about that for a moment. It's the long and roundabout way to do something which doesn't necessarily take that long. Think of it this way; let's say a person wanted to know how the body works and they're searching for the secrets of the functions of the physical body. "How does the food gets converted into blood and the tissue, and the