Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

3 Approaches to Life



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 753 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond The world is made up of many different people with different characters, different habits, different personalities. It doesn't really matter where you come from or where you are, or what you've done in your life up until now. It is made up of different people. It's just what the world is. There are three approaches in life. If you've heard about that. There's a saying “As we begin, so it goes” meaning that the way things are going and the way that you start. Great project, for instance, often begin with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm and excitement, and energy, and some people are the ones that start setting down new foundations because they found something which was great and it's reflected in their actions. They like to start things, they like to innovate, and this is what they do. That's all they do, and then they walk away. There are others, however, neither trailblazers nor revolutionaries. They enjoy jumping in, once an