Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

External & Internal



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 755 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are many people who believe that what they feel inside or who they are inside, is more important than what is outside. Let me explain my belief of external versus the internal. There are many people who believe that what they feel inside or who they are inside, is more important than what is outside. Let me explain my belief of external versus the internal. The external self is the person who shows the outcome of who they are on the outside. It's how they dress, how they act, and the person that they are trying to impress upon others of who they really are. The internal part, is what they feel, what they think, things that are more personal to themselves. If you want your external part to reflect your internal views, they need to match. How would you do that? Very simple. Don't look so much when it comes to the external of others. Let's say you want to buy an outfit, something that you want to wear. Don't look at fashion or