Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Run Your Own Life



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 756 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond You want to know the best way to run your life? The best way to reach the highest levels of happiness and contentment? The time to reach the ultimate level of goodness? To be the one that you dream to be? Then here is some advice that might help. “Run your own life.” Don't let anyone or anything change the person that you are. Run your own life and don't let this be affected by the mores or the fashions or the dictates, or the direction that everybody else is going into. You see other people smoking. You know that smoking is dangerous to your health, but it has a certain “cool vibe” around it. It makes you look different, perhaps even more important. Don't follow that. Even if you are smoking today, why would you do that? Why would you shorten the days of your life, knowing that so many people have passed away because of the smoking? Why would you shorten your life and your ability to affect the world by your presence? Smoking