Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Does Perfection Exist



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 758 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I’m sure you’ve heard of the term “human perfection”. Does it exist? Is it even possible, and where does it come from? You should know, there is always room for advancement in all matters of goodness and holiness. Since these are infinite, as derived from the infinite itself, there is room for improvement. In the human concept there is no such a thing as “human perfection”. A person must make allowances for others in the same way that they expect. Also, the other to have such allowances coming from them. There’s no way at any time, that any one person can say they are perfect. There’s not such a thing. The world is not perfect, but I’ll argue that is our mission in this world is - to make it perfect and to make it better. To make it what it needs to be. There has to be advances on the future. From time to time, a person only has to make up what he has failed to accomplish. Whether in the past or in the present a person should put e