Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Think Together



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 760 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are several forms of leadership in all of its forms. Forms of leadership in the family, the workplace, in schools, or organizations. Leadership is not about cloning anyone to fit the image or disposition of the one leader. This is absolutely incorrect. An authentic leader must embrace human diversity to be a true leader. The distinction is between people who are a positive phenomenon and things that they bring, are actually not a threat. These concepts are rooted in the leaders’ appreciation of the Creator of humanity. The G-d Himself, the Creator who created the whole world, and since G-d created so many distinct spaces, spirits, hearts, and so many different people, the unique quality of a true leader is one that accepts each and every one of them. The diversity that we see here is sewn in the very fabric of existence. We know that there are no two flakes of snow that are alike, or two people that are alike. A leader’s goal