

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 762 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There are times in life when we miss someone or some place. Something that we wish we had again one more time in our lives. It can seem at times that when we had this one person or this one place where we were, we didn’t really appreciate it. That’s the way any one of us feels and you can say it, “I miss you” or, “I miss is.” I, at times, miss some of the members of my family who are no longer alive. I miss them because of what they brought to my life the passion, capabilities; and making me see dreams which I had not ever anticipated could happen. Giving me the strength to go from day to day and giving me the enthusiasm that I needed at times when things were difficult. When doubts came into my life, they changed those doubts into a vision and gave me the opportunity to take on a challenge and see that everything that I wanted to do, could be possible. I miss these people. One, more than anybody else, and that is my own father.