Dee Snider Radio

Dee Snider Radio April 13 2001



Dee complaining about working on a holiday sleeping in SlayerPantera show Dees song pick Seal Dee picks on Darksides thriller album Michael Jackson re cap of spelling tomatoes robbery gone wrong food coloring Nick becomes pissed and starts yelling hunter shoots himself in the head man keeps loosing his brides new pooper scooper stick locked in porn cinema Talking dirty with Beth Lockwood promo clip ero sticker locals child porn found on computer Capt Howdy story Liberman going after ecstasy tax evaders raising kids now defibulators on planes older dads little liquor bottles theft smiley face and zip code founders die selling urine for drug tests Guinness beer strike bomb put on a fire pit Dees 4th of July bomb story censor taker breaks into a house Dee defends his bomb story Steve Buscemi stabbed Nicks bar fight story Survivor Mudbone in the studio Dee mail Romanians Beths panty line Carlito painted his balls Bret Michaels interview talking dirty with Beth Lockwood again peeps response to Nick using word reta