Dee Snider Radio

Dee Snider Radio August 3 2001



Staff discusses Rock Cats outing stories Stone Temple Pilots Bildo steals Nicks bit Darksides entourage more Rock Cats stories a peep in love with Nick herpes recap of speeding accidents deer accidents kids left in storage locker nail gun accident beer flavor gum public sex Radio sticker wars 104 fest promo peeps response to MTV anniversary show more bagging on Stone Temple Pilots and Journey OzzFest what the hell are we doing this weekend peeps response to Sean playing at 104 Fest more what the hell are we doing this weekend sausage story peeps response to shame of the city OzzFest water activity accident foot fetish Ron Townsend death guy blows up home with propane and marijuana huffing redheads women thinking about during sex tiger man nipple bitten off pot smoking neighbors Martha Stewart guy cutting off his feet more peeps response to Rock Cats game today show featuring Twisted fashion Australias dumb stories scratch n sniff stickers beer gum Dees family feud Dmail Twiggy Ramirez interview Twisted Sister