Dee Snider Radio

Dee Snider Radio August 6 2001



Dee feels he lost his weekend arguments Sharon Osborne standing up Dee luncheon meat stuck on body parts OzzFest drinking Dee highlights his signing appearance recap of guy blows up home with propane and marijuana huffing fake redheads what women think about during sex Sea Do Nasty Nick letter herpes Doc B traffic smoking Connecticut incomes hurricanes flipflops ugly feet Elle McPhersons wax figure drunk driver stabbed weddings getting ordained penises found in dumpsters top movies Ben Affleck Mr Belvedere dies Tommy Hilfigers house 104 fest promo peeps response to area code MTV anniversary hurst shifter peep letter regarding Nick Nicks brick house story Dave Matthewss show Nicks weekend peeps response to Shame of the OzzFest huffing Beths weekend Darksides weekend Crazy Town vs Mudbone story Dees weekend story Castaway Clarks brother Griswolds letter letter for Seans diet Mayor Giordano tropical storm Barry President on vacation shark attack worm inside skin man holding his own cut off genitals alligator sen