Dee Snider Radio

Dee Snider Radio August 13 2001



Dee says Gene Simmons is mad at Dee because hes making fun of him Gene Doc B calls in about pink eye since Beth sent Psycho home with it Rocky Horror Picture show comment recap of naked guy pumping gas driving wboxersbottomless Koolaid Ero sticker stories Darksides wedding ideas rival DJ beats Dee to the punch being ordained Darkside engagement gift ideas Beth weekend stories Nicks weekend story Dees personal movie ratings Dees weekend story Twisted Sister tribute promo old 80s photos peeps reactions to Dr Doodie Lucy Lawless breasts Darksides weekend story parents having sex stories complaints on Family Feud questions Clarks brother Griswolds letter peep letter about breast feeding jet ski accident chemical bombs sharks Israeli bomb sober pills rock 104 fest promo puppetry of the penis inlaw issues Dees inlaw story penis size pig squeals top movies Drew Carey Nicks upcoming fair gig stem cells Dees braces story peeps call in to commenthelp Dee with his teeth issues peeps responses to Dee on VH1s below the wa