Chris Locurto: Entrepreneur, Leadership Coach, Life Strategy, Blogger

514 | Restoring Your Resilience



One of the topics we get asked to deal with the most on this show is along the lines of strength, courage, and resilience. And it’s not strange, when you really stop to think about it!Plenty of things in this life can zap our strength, steal our courage, and drain our resources.Chances are that if you’re reading this, you’d admit that you could use more resilience. These are tough times, and we’ve no promise that tomorrow will be a bed of roses either. So, what are we talking about exactly? Resilience is our capacity to withstand difficult times and to recover quickly; it’s that old school toughness. It’s also a focused tenacity.It’s about how you can stay strong, courageous, and determined during trying times. And, in this episode, we’ll get into three ways for you to replenish your resilience. Just like digging a well, there are depths you’ve got to get down. I’m talking about the inner depths where you’ll find the resources you need to bounce back after getting pushed around. Can you picture yourself respo