Wsfi 88.5 Fm Catholic Radio

WSFI Catholic Radio 88.5FM an WNDZ 750AM presents Spotlight featuring Fr. Joseph Laramie, S.J. , National Director of The Pope’s Prayer Network



Kathleen Dobbler, of St. Francis DeSales Catholic Church., Lake Geneva. WI interviews Fr. Joseph Laramie SJ  about his upcoming Mission  on March 18 through March 20th, 2023  The mission is open to the public. Listen to why the parishioners of St. Francis DeSales, under Katherine's leadership chose this beautiful and faithful priest to talk about the Eucharistic Revival and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.   Fr. Laramie is the author of two books: Abide in the Heart of Christ: a 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Ignatius Loyola based on the Spiritual Excercises    Love him Ever More: A 9-Day Personal Retreat with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Abide in the Heart of Christ