An Irishman Abroad

Marathon Emotions And How To Harness Them - Irishman Running Abroad (Part1)



How do you control your emotions when you're more tired than you've ever been in your life? Sonia has the answers. Fresh off the plane from Australia, the Queen is back in London. A little jet lagged but brimming with great advice, tips, stories and recommendations for what you can do to run your best ever marathon, half marathon or 5k. This is part 1 of this week's episode. You can hear the whole episode over on !   For the past few months Vinny Mulvey has been creating our training plans and coaching me to my first marathon in London on April 23rd. (Support me if you can.) With just 33 days to go Vinny jumps on the live line to talk about his emotional wall during the New York Marathon. His courage and honesty is really inspiring and together with Sonia we look at what exactly happened that day in Manhattan.   We go round the parishes for some truly extraordinary running from you the listeners and Sonia recommends a movie to get you pumped for whatever race you have co