M6p: Marvel 616 Politics

Gem City Comic Con



Let's be serious for once, okay? So we went to the amazing Gem City Comic Con at the Nutter Center in Fairborn/Dayton, Ohio. We did a panel in the Berry Room. (I know, I know...the Nutter Center, the Berry room. I had the same reaction. This wasn't a hiking trip with all the fruit and nuts...even though Jarid did eat a ton of 'bars' as he calls them!) We interviewed the gregarious Greg Land, the amazing Arlen Schumer, the killer Kyle Hotz, and the generous Jay Leisten (I know generous doesn't start with a 'j', okay?) We also did a kick-butt panel. THAT'S RIGHT!! M6P was ASKED to do a panel. We didn't have to barge in and throw our weight around or anything! It was truly an faaantastic trip. Be sure to check out everyone's links and work. It's definitely worth your time! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And don't for