M6p: Marvel 616 Politics

Daredevil and the Drake



It's not often we run out of words to say. It's not often that we disagree. It's not often that we have to edit the podcast. It's not often that the podcast is a huge file that will undoubtedly use up all your bandwidth. It's not often we have to apologize to each other. It's not often that we tend to think the other is loud and obnoxious. It's not often that we agree. It's not often that the comics we read make total sense. It's not often that we have to address psuedo-retcons within time paradoxes. It's not often that we don't sound ignorant and bigotted. It's not often that we sit down and discuss the same things that we liked and disliked. It's not often that we give a nod to the writers for a job well done. It's not often that our childhood superhero comics turn out to be someone completely different from week to week depending on the writing team. It's not often that we fall in love with our favorite characters. It's not often we decide that we just don't need to read anymore comics. It's