M6p: Marvel 616 Politics

A Big Squooshy Container



I feel like a lot of these descriptions that (Jarid) writes are very misleading as to what the actual episode is about. Let me be clear, although the title of today's episode refers to a large and somewhat hostile environment, the actual audio is still contained only in silicon, other metals, and the vast watery vapory thing we call 'the Cloud.' And it's lucky for you that this is the absolute truth, because I can't think of a better description for what we talk about. But enough allusions to the warmth and comfort of the fetal position. This episode is about the following: presidential nominees, Cecil the Lion, Alaska, tank tops, flabby arms, Alan Davis, the mumps, violence vs. foul language, and Secret Wars...and of course a big squooshy container. See, now I feel like I've given you a clear understanding of what you are getting into. Download this episode and you won't be disappointed....Well, maybe you will. What do I (Jarid) know? Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are