Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Nehemiah 5:10-19 [Generosity and Fear] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio



Chapter 5 illustrates how our actions reveal our hearts. Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of action. The pattern of repentance: - Understand that what you’ve been doing is wrong. (change your mind) - Take the necessary steps to make it right. (change your actions) ** (see also David/Nathan and Zaccheaus/Jesus) When a person is justified by the saving grace of God in Jesus Christ, things change. The people of God were now "walking in the fear of [their] God". Why did Nehemiah sacrifice for his people? Because of his fear of God [v.15] and because of his love for the people [v.18]. Love for God and love for His people should be our motivation for being generous, too. As they serve Him and those around them, God remembers the work of His people (Heb. 6:10).