Doctor Who: The Alhambra Podcast

EP 274: Doctor Who SDCC '18 & the DWAP Chibnall Fan Club Retrospective



Welcome to The Doctor Who: Alhambra Podcast, with real Doctor Who fans, sharing their real Doctor Who opinions. Discussing but not limited to new and classic Doctor Who, Big Finish audios, latest DW and BF news, and much more! In this podcast, Brett, Liam, and Humphrey take a trip down memory lane, and look back to the 2018 San Diego Comic Con Doctor Who panel, when Chris Chibnall and his TARDIS crew first arrived on the scene. After looking back at that panel, we look back at our own podcast, "The Doctor Who Alhambra but also Chibnall Fan Club" podcast, and reflect on our previous episodes (around 82 through 90 of the Alhambra Podcast).  Thank you for listening and downloading! In This Episode.... Welcome and Intros to EP 274 - 00:00:00 Sonic Screwdriver Origins – 00:02:55 Liam's Most Anticipated 2023 Big Finish Releases - 00:12:21 New Possible Cushing Doctor Mythology - 00:17:19 Revisiting 2018 SDCC - 00:22:39 The DWAP Retrospective Look at the Doctor Who Alhambra Podcast DWAP "Chibnall Fan Club" Retrospe