Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

44: Holly Worton, How to Build the Right Social Media Tribe for You, So You Can Help the People You Were Meant to Help



Today’s Guest It's me, once again! Today I'm here to talk to you about how to build the right social media tribe for you, so you can help the people you were meant to help. Why? Because I see so many people online who are really fearful of using social media. Do you consider yourself to be a private person? Does the whole idea of social media feel wrong to you? Do you wish you could just ignore it...yet at the same time you understand how powerful it could be for your business? Maybe you're already on social media, and you've added a bunch of people who just don't feel right. You're afraid to promote your business online because of criticism. Maybe someone already made fun of you for being too “woo-woo.” Let me clarify something: the problem isn't social media, and the problem most certainly isn't you. It's the tribe of people you've connected with, and it's probably time for some decluttering. Imagine this: you get online each day, eager to connect with your peeps. You've got an amazing tribe of people who