Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

48: Samjhana Moon, How to Let Your Soul Shine Through in Your Photographs



Today’s Guest I originally met today's guest at my spiritual coaching course in 2011, with Jayne Morris. Samjhana did the photographs on the day that we made our vision boards, and she gave us each a portrait photo we could use for our business. Ever since then, I've wanted to have new portraits done with her. This year, I finally did a studio session with Samjhana, and I've had such amazing feedback on my new photos. I love them so much! I really feel like she captured my soul in them, and I wanted to get her on the podcast to share her expert tips. Samjhana Moon is a photographic artist. She is also a visionary. Samjhana has taken her innate ability to capture the essence of people and places using the medium of photography, into another dimension. Through her business, Goddess Portraiture, she is redefining our cultural ideas of beauty and femininity by revealing the beauty inside every woman, irrespective of age, size or culture. Her portrait gallery reveals not only her ability to make people feel at ea