Soccer Made In Portland

Timbers home opener recap, plus some Blazers banter



Ryan’s in Italy, so this week’s Soccer Made in Portland is a crossover episode with the Sports by Northwest podcast. Bill Oram joins Chris Rifer to share some of his mind-blowing wisdom about all things soccer. On the roster: Bill and Chris discuss Bill’s pun game, how Chauncey Billups is doing so far as coach of the Blazers, the Timbers home opener, and the Thorns preseason tournament announcement. Timestamps: (0:00 - 2:20) Ryan’s Italian escapades (2:20 - 15:45) Blazers (15:45 - 20:00) Bill’s impressive soccer bona fides (20:00 - 51:00) Timbers home opener recap (51:00 - Full Time) Thorns preseason tournament announced -- Bill Oram,, Twitter: @billoram Learn more about your ad choices. Visit