Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

How to Achieve Lifelong Health and Fitness



It’s really not that hard to accomplish.  The information is all there, unfortunately, much of it is obscured by people ‘selling things’, such as offering an easy way.  That is indeed the problem: no matter how hard you look, online, on TV or on YouTube commercials- there really is no easy way.  But there is a simple and effective way! Eat an ancestral, or paleo type of diet.  High animal protein, meat, and dairy.  Some vegetables, with cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, and small amounts of lettuce with olive oil and avocado and coconut oil types of dressing.  Seafood and eggs are wonderful as well; but the bedrock of your diet should be pastured meats and dairy, in particular ruminant meat, such as beef.  Like our ancestors ate long ago, and evolved alongside throughout the long ice age- mammoths, aurochs, and cows.  Same types exactly, that turned vegetation, however sparse, into protein-dense meat!And now we get to lifestyle, and the huge bugaboo of exercise.  For be assured that diet is c